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How do I know that your web site is a safe and secure site?
The shopping cart and checkout pages on our site are secure. They use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology - The world's most powerful, high-grade, 128-bit encryption. (It's the Online industry-standard security protocol!) What this means is, that any information submitted through those pages is encrypted (such as credit card numbers, addresses and other personal information), so that it can't be read or used by other people (or third parties).
You can also tell that you are on a secure page because---secure web pages have: (1) a little padlock on the top and the bottom left in Netscape and the bottom right in Microsoft Internet Explorer, which will be closed instead of opened; and (2) a web address that begins with "https" rather than the standard "http" ("s" is for secure).
When you choose the "Continue Shopping" button, you are moving from a secure area (inside the shopping cart) to a non-secure area (our Catalog). These pages do not warrant a secure connection, as there is no private or personal information in them. Thus, your browser should generate a "warning" message, to let you know that this is happening.
How do I place an order?
You can place an order online as follows: Browse through our catalog and click on the category that you like. Click on an item in that category and it will take you to your shopping cart. Click on your shopping cart and it will take you to check-out or you can continue shopping. Fill out the online registration form with your email address and password, then fill out the necessary credit card information on our safe, secure server, and that's it! Or, you could by-pass the catalog and go directly to the items that you want by clicking on the link in the navigation bar. Click on the item that you want (on that page) and go directly to your shopping cart.
Your password (exclusive to our site only - please remember it) is an extra measure of security used to identify you as the cardholder, when making this and future purchases from our site.
You can place an order by mail as follows: Click on the "Order Form" link in the navigation bar (there is one for "Plant Orders" only and a separate one for "Dry Goods" only). Print the form on your "ink jet or laser printer". Fill out the form with the correct information....quantity, item number or name, description and the price for each item ordered. Mail the form along with your credit card information or signed check or money order to: PONDS, PLANTS and MORE, P.O. Box 155, Bentleyville, PA 15314.
If placing an order by phone, we recommend printing out the order form and filling it out. Phone orders are limited to VISA / MasterCard, Discover Card and American Express, only.
NOTE: If paying by credit card, we need your credit card number (with the name and address exactly as it appears on your credit card account), the expiration date and your signature. Failure to do so, will cause a delay in processing your order.
Your e-mail address and your telephone number are REQUIRED for all orders. Your correct email address is how we confirm your credit card orders (we send you and automated Order Confirmation) and contact you about your order concerning possible back-orders or other problems that may occur.
Call PONDS, PLANTS and MORE at 724-239-6673 (Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST) or email us at [email protected], if you have any questions.
I want to place an order, but I can't find your shipping schedule!
You can find our Shipping and Handling rates* in our Merchant Policy, which is placed at the bottom of every page. There, along with our shipping and handling rates, you will find: our shipping schedule; what our shipping limits are; our payment options; return policy and our customer guarantee.
* REMEMBER: When ordering plants, they must be ordered separately from dry goods. (This means a second trip through our shopping cart), as all plants are shipped via USPS Priority Mail (2 or 3 Day) to ensure the arrival of healthy, viable plant life. Most "Dry Goods" orders are shipped standard UPS Ground service or USPS Parcel Post.
Please choose the appropriate shipping methods. Thank you!
My fish come to the surface, looking for food in the winter. Should I feed them?
Do not feed fish any food at all, when the water temperature reaches 55º F, or below. Their metabolism slows during the winter months and they do not need to eat as often. Since fish are mostly inactive in the winter, any food that does not pass through their systems quickly or is high in protein, can simply rot in their gut and can eventually kill them.
If your fish do get hungry on warmer winter days, there is plenty of food in the pond for them to eat, in the form of larvae, algae and/or other forms of aquatic life. Also, any uneaten food will sink to the pond bottom and add to winter water quality problems.
Is it okay to leave my pump running all winter in my pond?
This entirely depends on where you live.
If you live in a tropical area (or if your water temperature stays above 55º F during Winter), then the pump must continually run through your biological filter (24 hrs/day), throughout the winter months.
If your pond water surface freezes at the start of winter and does not thaw for a few days or until the following Spring, then it would be highly recommended that you discontinue the use of your pump and begin using a pond de-icer to keep a hole in the ice. This will provide enough open water to allow for the necessary gas exchange from rotting plant and fish waste, and also provides fresh supplies of oxygen for your the fish.
It's important however, to keep your pump running with some sort of mechanical filter, for as long as possible (up until your pond's surface begins to freeze). This aerates and adds much needed oxygen to the water. Even though most biological activity stops in colder water, a mechanical filter will filter out fine debris caused from storm water run-off and uneaten or excess food and plant waste, which in turn can (and will) foul the water.